Sofia Lau-Alves

Front-End Developer

About Me

headshot of Sofia

I am a front-end developer with a background in environment and sustainable development. I am a true "Builder" whether it be physical construction or on the web through code. I enjoy problem solving and developing solutions with a balance of practicality and creativity. Anything to do with fixing, space-saving, and/or making things work more efficiently, count me in!

I like to stay active by trying new things and helping others whenever possible, as I believe learning should never stop. In my spare time, I enjoy traveling, practising Hot Yoga, playing sports, dancing (Hip-Hop & Latin), attending events, learning new skills, experimenting with healthy recipes, playing board games, and completing escape rooms.


  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • Sass

  • JavaScript


  • jQuery

  • Responsive

  • Git

  • Firebase

  • Visual Studio

  • Accessibility

  • Terminal

My Projects

HIIT Workout Timer

This HIIT workout timer app allows users to customize the number of exercises and sets they would like for the workout. The idea came about as a request from a friend that I workout via video chat during the Quarantine. This saved us time from having to press start and stop, and adjusting the time after each set.

  • JavaScript
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  • jQuery
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  • HTML5
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  • CSS3
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  • Sass

A Sustainable Home

Are you planning to purchase a new home or do some renovations to your home? Come pay a visit to my app where you can learn some tips on how to incorporate some eco-friendly practises and features to help you save on your energy and water bills, which also help improve the health of our planet.

  • JavaScript
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  • Firebase
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  • HTML5
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  • CSS3
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  • Git


Do you have a green thumb? This app allows users to search plants according to colour, helping users design the perfect garden with colour coordination. It features a side bar where users can save their favourite plants while they browse.

A pair programming project created with Spencer Davis.

  • JavaScript
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  • HTML5
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  • CSS3
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  • Sass
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  • Git

Contact Me

Thanks for stopping by!

If you are interested in collborating on a project or have any questions about me or my projects, please feel free to contact me. I'd love to hear from you!